The SPACE GASS steel connection design module lets you design or check any of the connections in a structural model.
Some key features of the module are as follows:
Fully integrated into SPACE GASS.
Design actions obtained directly from the analysis results.
Multiple load cases considered simultaneously.
Design and checking modes available.
Fully rendered 3D images of each connection generated.
Annotated elevations detailing all the connection components.
Connections able to be exported to other programs.
Fully compliant with the 2007 - 2014 ASI Steel Connection Design Guides.
All bolts, welds, plates, cleats, stiffeners and doubler plates designed/checked.
A video showing the steel connection design module in action can be viewed at
Note that if you haven't purchased the steel connection design module, you can still run it in a free trial mode that limits you to using minimum design actions, and prevents you from exporting or saving the job. All other features are fully activated.
Refer to "Creating and editing connections", "The connection manager", "Design considerations", "Connection reports" and "Connection preferences" for full details of the connection design module.
Note that you can also export geometric and analysis results data to IDEA StatiCa and use it to do a steel connection design independently of SPACE GASS.