SPACE GASS now supports LiteSteelTM beam from Smorgon Steel
The new LSBTM module in SPACE GASS 10.4 and later versions allows you to analyse and design the range of LiteSteel beam products from Smorgon Steel. The design is fully compliant with the latest editions of AS/NZS 4600.

If you have SPACE GASS 10.20 or later, click here to get the new version. If you have an earlier version, click here to login and then select "Program upgrades" from the side menu.

LSB from Smorgon Steel is on average 40% lighter than traditional hot rolled structural steel beams of equivalent performance. It can be lifted and carried like a timber beam. It can also be cut, nailed, screwed and drilled on site, using professional power tools. It also makes connections to timber components simple. In fact the same galvanised steel brackets used for structural timber can be used for connections to LSB. Pryda's range of punched strapping, triple grips, unities, pergola angles, joist hangers and I-joist hangers are all suitable.

These methods of connection are usually far more convenient and efficient than welding, which is often the only option available with hot rolled structural steel beams. However, if required LSB is easy to weld using Manual Metal, Gas Metal or Flux Cored Arc Welding.

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