The Intersect tool allows you to join two or more members and automatically insert nodes at the intersection points. It works with members that are not touching each other, and with members that cross over each other.
After selecting the members to be intersected, right-click and select "Member Tools" => "Intersect Move", "Intersect Extend" or "Intersect Offset" from the popup menu that appears. You should then click a member that the selected members are to intersect with.
If you choose "Intersect Move", the ends of the selected members
will be moved to the intersection points.
If you choose "Intersect Extend", new members will be added that
extend from the ends of the selected members to the intersection points.
If you choose "Intersect Offset", member offsets will be added
that offset the ends of the selected members to the intersection points.
Because the "Move ends" or "Extend ends" selection
only affects members which don’t already pass through the intersection
point, the selection is irrelevant for members that cross over each other.
careful when intersecting with members that have local Y or Z member offsets.
Because local offsets are calculated relative to a straight line joining
the member’s end nodes, they will change direction if you add intermediate
nodes. It is therefore recommended that you should always convert any
local Y or Z member offsets to global before intersecting at an intermediate
using the Intersect tool, if you want to check that the members are properly
connected, you can use the "Connectivity"
See also Connect.